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55 Non-Painful Ways to Explain Exactly What a Life Coach Does

February 10th, 2016 | 24 comments

When you first started your coaching business, I bet you talked more about “coaching” more than ever, right?

Because for some reason, the same question popped up, over and over:

You: “Yeah, I just kicked off my coaching business!”
Them: “Oh! So what exactly is a life coach, anyway?”

And your answer may have been something like…

“Uh… Well, I just help people figure out what they want to do in life and align the universe with that. I’m kind of like a cheerleader – but a smart one – that asks you all the right questions so you feel clarity and abundance and….”

Annnnnnd that’s where the blank stares start, right?

As coaches, all too often, the question “What do you do?” totally stumps us.

Suddenly, we lose our passion, sparkle, and genius knowledge about the power of coaching, and then we start babbling.

It’s a problem that needs to be solved! Because when you’re clear and confident talking about what you do, others will be too. And, when someone is leaning in and listening more closely to what you have to say, that energy translates into unstoppable exposure!

Here are 55 quick, intriguing ways to explain what you do as a life coach!

And I play quite a few characters to make it fun!

Remember this, brilliant coach:

There is always an inner game being played in your mind, no matter what outer game you are playing in life.  And how aware you are of that game can be the difference between success and failure.

The world is changing as people become more empowered, and it’s because of the effort, passion and dedication YOU put into expanding your coaching business to serve more people.

So, how do you keep your inner and outer game strong?

The best thing you can do is prep 2-3 responses from today’s episode as your go-to, and adjust them depending on who you’re speaking to (a prospect, vs. a coach, friend, family member, etc).

As a coach, your skills and training can be useful in so many ways! Figure out where you prospect is feeling the most stuck and use one of the 55 ways from this video to explain how you can help.

Now the real connection and sisterhood happens in the comment section below!

This is your chance to really give and receive and stop trying to do this alone.  I want to hear from you!

So, tell me: Did I miss anything?

How do YOU answer the question: What exactly does a life coach do?

And which one of today’s crazy characters was your favorite?

If you liked this video, share it with a coach you know who’d love it too!

Psst…one more thing: did you get the gift I attached in the email sharing today’s video? It’s a printable list of all 55 replies, so you hold it in your hand and circle your favorite 2 or 3 to memorize.

If you’re not on the list yet, I give gifts in the form of downloadables, detailed resources and personal success secrets almost every week to those of you who subscribe and join my email list. I don’t include these on Youtube, the live blog or anywhere else online so if you’re not on my email list and you want these helpful goodies, leave your name and email below.

See you next week, gorgeous!


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24 people have commented
    • Hey Stephanie,

      You’re the best mama! Thank you for being here and watching every week! And congrats on your big article, I read it and was celebrating your beauty, wisdom and contribution. Love you!

  1. Love this, thank you Coach Jey. I’ve been following your Wakeup Wednesdays for over a year and is one of the reasons I decided to join Mentor Masterclass. Every week you give useful and fun helpful tips. Love the costumes, love the positive energy. You’re the best!

  2. Well that decides it – next time someone asks me what a Life Coach is, I’m whipping out my red clown nose!

    But in all seriousness, it is helpful to see all the creative ways that we can express ourselves around what we do. I think my biggest take away here, is that no matter what you choose to say around what you do, be clear and CONFIDENT when you say it! Own what you do with pride and express it passionately to whoever will listen! The world needs your Light, so shine on!

  3. As a Happy, Successful QSCA Certified aLOhA Life Coach, @ 73+ I AM living proof that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to live the life you intended. Thank you, Jey for the Joy you spread. Namaste

  4. This video is brilliant. Thanks. Now where can I get a copy of the 55 ways? I found you on facebook, did not receive your email. I have signed onto your email list. I think you have really got it going on!

  5. My goal this week was to tell three people what a coach does and you just gave it all away to me. I love that this is light hearted, but still very on point. Grateful that you are in the world. Thank you

  6. Jeannine, Thank you for the varied, informative and fun video. I’m also grateful for the PDF. My favourite character was yoga girl. I loved the explanation: Ask important questions. Enjoy your rest.

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