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3 secrets for turning your audience into raving loyal fans at your next event

April 22nd, 2015 | 2 comments

Did you know that your performance, workshop, or webinar doesn’t start when the curtain goes up or the camera goes on air? It actually starts the moment you’ve committed to speak, and goes on from there.

Unfortunately, most coaches, authors and thought leaders totally skip the “before” portion – and in doing so, miss some important steps that can help them connect more deeply with their audience and clients.

I’m talking about connection at a whole different level, where people who “like” you become true, raving fans who can’t wait to spread your big idea!

So, why does this happen? Because, most of the time, new thought leaders direct all of their attention on the big performance and that’s a BIG mistake.

But that doesn’t have to be you!

Today, I’ll teach you the 3 stages of creating a lasting connection with your audience.

In today’s episode we’ll talk in detail about…

Phase 1

As soon as you’ve said “Yes!” to the event and leading up to the big day.

Here are a few ideas on how to do that:

  • Post your bio and talking points on the event’s website
  • Email a summary of your message to attendees
  • Get out a rough list of talking points to the people who’ll be listening on the day of (this could be a worksheet too)
  • Provide a detailed agenda
  • Share resources for you audience to check out, so they’re prepared to recieve the most from your information
  • Make it clear exactly how they will benefit from listening to your talk


Phase 2

During the event. Starting the moment you enter the room.

Engage with your audience, and get them responding and moving while they are listening to you. I go into more detail in the episode so be sure click play and watch.

Here are a few ideas to help you get ‘em paying attention:

  • Use props, like other people in the room, pen, paper or secret messages you have taped underneath their chair
  • Bring people on stage
  • Offer downloadable assets they can get by going to your blog or social media pages
  • Pass out postcards with the link to get a free gift after the event by joining your email list, and staying touch with you. (I suggest making a secret, specific landing page on your site, just for the event.)


Phase 3

After the event.

Don’t leave your audience hanging after you’ve jumped off the phone! Send them a thank you note, with extra supplementary reading or viewing material – whatever feels best for oyu!

By simply being in contact before, during, and after you take the stage, your audience will be completely drawn to you in amazing ways.

But now, sister, I put the mic in YOUR hand.

Did you get any brilliant ideas while dreaming up connection with your next audience that you’d like to try out on us?

Share ‘em in the comments below or in our special Facebook community. Your fellow sisters and I will meet you there with our a-ha moments.

And, as always, if you know someone who could benefit from this fast n’ fabulous rundown – feel free to share it with them!








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2 people have commented
  1. I thought this was informative and will enable me to make sure that whenever I am providing a speech to engage the audience at all 3 stages.

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