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How Do You Really Know if You Should Become a Life Coach?

March 16th, 2016 | 1 comment

It’s a great question, because knowing your purpose in life helps you make decisions every day that align with what you were born to do. There’s nothing more powerful than that!

Because when you are jazzed up, focused and absolutely delighted to do great work, great things come to you organically.

After years of leading my all-in life coach training program, Mentor Masterclass, I’ve learned that most people have no idea what their life purpose is or how to figure it out.

And sister, it’s so important to discover your own life purpose! Once you master matching your choices to your life purpose, success comes at triple-speed and then you can help your clients find their own accelerated momentum to success.

But before you can figure out whether becoming a life coach is your purpose, there are 3 core concepts to lean into and deeply understand:

  1. Why is life purpose important?
  2. What is it?
  3. What are the 3 stages of life purpose (and which one are you in)?

So let’s dive in!

1. Why is Life Purpose Important?

Knowing your purpose means better decision-making.

When you’re clear on your purpose, you have a permanent internal compass that helps you sort through all the options. You’ll see where you should devote your attention, and why. When you’re living your purpose, you contribute to the world in the greatest way possible.

Living your purpose provides value to you and the people you spend time with in some measurable way. Depending on what your purpose is, it could absolutely provide massive value for people you may never even meet!

And this will make you feel a great sense of connection and pride to your life, and reason for being here on earth.

2. What is a Life Purpose?

Everyone has a life purpose.

I believe every soul has a unique reason for coming into human existence at this exact moment in time. I believe you have a very special combination of relationships, interests, skills and talents that we need to experience.

I believe you were born to discover your unique zone of genius and bring it to the world in a very specific way.

And while no words can ever truly capture the impact your life purpose will have in your life, your sense of purpose can be expressed in a purpose statement (it’s similar to a company mission statement).

A purpose statement is a mantra that answers these questions:

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What am I meant to be doing in my life?

These kinds of questions are the exact reason life coaching has become a billion-dollar industry and one of the fastest growing professions in 2015. These questions are impossible to answer for most people without deep reflection, and sometimes expert guidance.  

The first technique I learned while studying to become a life coach was the Life Purpose Technique. I had a coaching partner from my training take me through every step of the technique, just as I have the women do with their partners inside Mentor Masterclass.  Having a coach help you answer the above questions through a skilled technique provides you with a deep understanding from personal life experience and your unique soul journey.

I crafted my very first life purpose statement with my life coach training partner, which helped me to confirm that life coaching was in perfect alignment with my unique life purpose.

Here is my first life purpose statement:

“The purpose of my life is to create a world where there is laughter and joy, to be a source of inspiration, and proof that purity and abundance is attainable in our universe. I am here to embody power and play, express joy, and experience the mystery and miracles of life as they come to play in my personal life and the lives of those who share their path with me. My purpose is to awaken others to the contribution they desire to be in the world and to guide them through the physical actualization of their wildest desires and dreams. My purpose it to live, laugh, love, and inspire with total consciousness. I will sing, dance, laugh, and inspire with purity, joy, endless love, connection and integrity.”

I recite this every day as part of my morning ritual. I followed my intuition and interest to become a life coach and got training before I was absolutely certain Life Coaching was my Life Purpose.

One of my favorite quotes: “The greater the risk the greater the achievement” may say it all. In order to know if becoming a life coach is your purpose, you may have to take the leap and go for the training to find out. The risk may absolutely be worth the reward!

I’m going to be sharing the full version of the Life Purpose Technique in an upcoming episode of Wake Up Wednesday. Until then, you need to know what stage of Life Purpose you are in before you can craft a purpose statement of any kind.

3. The 3 Stages of Life Purpose

Stage One: You don’t know what your purpose is. 

You’re in the first stage of life purpose if you don’t know what your life purpose is.

Is it possible that you really do know what your purpose is, but you’re resisting it for some reason?

Sit with this question for a moment and pay close attention to how you feel. Does it feel like where you are on your journey?

Stage Two: You know what your purpose is, but you’re not acting on it. 

You’re in the second stage of life purpose if you’ve discovered what your purpose is, but you’re not acting on it.

If you find yourself thinking, “I know what my life purpose is, but I’m not doing anything about it!” That’s a pretty honest sign that you’re in stage two.

Stage Three: You know what your purpose is, and you’re acting on it!

You’re in the third and final stage of life purpose when you know what your purpose is and you’re empowered to act on it!

Usually that will mean that you can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning, that your life has meaning, and that you’re on your way to being the best at whatever you do (personally or professionally).

Now: Take Action!

Want to see for yourself what this life purpose technique can really do!? One of my longtime clients, Jaclyn Wallach, was a student in my signature program and life coach training course Mentor Masterclass and then went on to work with me even more deeply in The Sisterhood Mastermind.

I got to witness Jaclyn’s life completely change when I took her through the Life Purpose Technique in a one of our live classes during Mentor Masterclass.

Now Jaclyn is the Intuitive Empowerment Coach. She helps magnetic, soulful women who want more from life find their true purpose. She’s also the creator of The Empowered Entrepreneur Spotlight Series. And sister, it’s so amazing!

Jaclyn has interviewed over 20 empowered entrepreneurs, leaders and mentors who are all committed to their teachings, wisdom and business. I’m one of the featured coaches, and I know this will inspire you to lean into your intuition and to feel more empowered in your service. (And it’s FREE!)

One of the most empowering ways to discover your purpose in life is to spend quality time with role models who are embodied and certain of their purpose. It will inspire you with ideas and passion to discover yours.

Life purpose doesn’t always have to be about a career, identity, or role you will play. Sometimes it can simply be the way you are destined to spend your time and how you want to feel.

If you’re ready to delve into the search for your life purpose, I hope to see you at this powerful virtual summit, and I’ll be back with another Wake Up Wednesday episode where you can actually learn the full version of the Life Purpose Technique for yourself. Make sure you are on my list and opening your Wednesday emails so you don’t miss it!

All my love,


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