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Paying For Life Coach Training: Exactly What I Did

June 14th, 2016 | 5 comments

It’s been coming up for a lot of us lately: how hard it can be just to figure out what you want in life!

It’s a long process, but it’s so worth it when we finally land on what our true life purpose is. We feel completely clear and ready to act!

But (and there’s often a “but” when you’re stepping out and making meaningful shifts in your life!) when we are ready to act, we have to find those perfect-fitting pieces and put them together to get the results we want. For example: finding a training program that not only gets results, but just feels right to us.

When we do find the program that fits us perfectly, we then have to process deeper questions like, Am I good enough? Do I really deserve this?

All throughout our tribe, our sisters are trying to decide if Mentor Masterclass is right for them.

If this is you, I completely get it. (Click on the video below to see how I finally took the leap and invested in my own training!)

At this point you might be thinking, how the hell do I afford to invest in this?

Today I’m sharing with you how I found a way to invest in myself back when I first started out. I was able to enroll in the life coach training program that was perfect for me.

In today’s video I’m sharing my journey to investing in my training, which includes:

      • Some deep conversations with my boyfriend at the time (now my husband).

      • A side-hustle nanny job.

      • Some woo-woo goodness and signs from the universe.

      • Some cold hard common sense…and also some serious leaps of faith.

I can’t wait to share my story with you! Just click on this week’s video above.

I also want you to hear the stories of our sisters who overcame their blocks to enroll in MM and become a life coach with the best training possible. They get real and let you know exactly how they paid for their training.

Wait until you hear their stories! (If you’d like to jump ahead to the 11:38 point in the video above, you’ll find them there.)

Whether you’re feeling hesitation when it comes to investing in yourself or you’re 100% sure, you’ll want to come alongside us this week and hear our stories!

I’d love to hear your story in the comments, love! What feelings come up for you around investing in yourself and your training?

(And don’t forget to check out the additional resources I mentioned in the video, like How to Know if Life Coaching Is Your PurposeHeal Your Money Story, and How Themes Change Everything).

All my love,


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5 people have commented
  1. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    I’d like to share my story too! When I signed up for Mentor Masterclass I didn’t have the money – then I lost a working contract! I tried to back out of the program, but am so grateful that you were unavailable due to the Captivate Retreat. Instead I spoke to my partner about taking the leap that we had been stalling on for far too long already. We put our home up for sale! I had been in crippling debt for years and knew that that was the best way to get out of it. So I got a loan from a friend to enrol myself in the program and after a few months we sold the house. This week I paid off all of my debt, including the loan from my friend for the program!

    I graduate in two months and I am debt free with this investment fully paid for. I’m also building my business and making money coaching! All in 10 months!

    Jeannine, thank you so much for sharing with me during my enrollment your story and for sharing it again here. It was so helpful for me to find my own way to make my dream come true.

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